Dry Cargo

Cosco holds naming ceremony for livestock carrier

Tom Eddershaw

A newbuild livestock carrier for Vroon has been named at a ceremony held at Cosco Shipyard in Guangdong, China on July 18.

The carrier, the 'Gudali Express', is the final vessel in a newbuilding programme of seven livestock vessels, constructed in Guangdong and operating under the Livestock Express banner.

These vessels in the series have a cargo capacity of approximately 4,600 square metres (around 4,000 head of cattle) and a cruising range of about 18,000 nautical miles, sufficient for a voyage from Brazil to China and back without refuelling.

The vessels feature a new design of bow that results in increased animal comfort, enabling animals to be delivered in a healthy condition. An additional benefit of this design is significant fuel saving, while still maintaining a high service speed of approximately 16.75 knots in heavy weather.

Upon completion of the christening ceremony 'Gudali Express' left the shipyard to commence a charter with International Livestock Export.