Dry Cargo

Conoship to design crane vessels for Spliethoff

Baird Maritime

Conoship International has been awarded a contract by Fujian Mawei Shipbuilding for the basic design of two 12,500DWT DP2 crane vessels in a series ordered by the Spliethoff Group.

The LR-classed 141.3- by 24.5-metre vessels will have ice class 1A notation and will also comply with the Polar code. Each will be fitted with a 5,300kW diesel engine, four 2,000kW auxiliary engines, a scrubber, and selective catalytic reduction (SCR) to comply with the requirements of IMO Tier III.

The vessels are to be delivered in October 2021 and February 2022. These will be named Brouwersgracht and Bloemgracht upon entering service.