Dry Cargo

China’s SWS delivers world’s first intelligent VLOC

Baird Maritime
Photo: SWS

The world's first intelligent very large ore carrier (iVLOC), the DNV GL-classed Pacific Vision, was delivered by Shanghai Waigaoqiao Shipbuilding (SWS) to China Merchants Energy Shipping on Thursday, November 29.

The 399,999DWT vessel is the world's first VLOC to implement DNV GL's SmartShip descriptive notation.

Pacific Vision has been outfitted with an integration platform, a smart navigation decision support system, a ship energy efficiency management and optimisation system, and a smart-vessel operation and management system.

The vessel has an LOA of 362 metres, a width of 65 metres, a depth of 30.4 metres, and a draught of 23 metres.