Dry Cargo

New Zealand: Call for railfreight investment over ferries

Baird Maritime

New Zealand's freight-moving community needs the government to invest in long-distance railfreight instead of expensive rail-capable, inter-island ferries, says Cubic Transport Services General Manager Dave Anderson in light of pending investment decisions on the ferries.

"Currently, of the three ferries KiwiRail operates, two have rail decks (the 'Aratere' and 'Arahura'), which are configured to cater for rail wagons as well as vehicles and passengers," he said. "The passenger traffic is understandable as well as the vehicles, because there will always be a need for urgent deliveries inter-island by truck.

"However, the rationale for inter-island freight to remain on rail, where there needs to be a sea "bridge" across Cook Strait, is less logical. The freight that is being carried by rail wagons could much more effectively be carried long-haul by coastal shipping between the islands."

Iain McIntyre