Dry Cargo

ATB designer OT&BE joins Hyperion Group

Baird Maritime
Photo: MarineTraffic.com/Eugene Harriman – OT&BE-designed ATB tug Capt Hagen pushing barge Key West

Ocean Tug and Barge Engineering (OT&BE) has joined the Hyperion Marine Engineering Group, an integrated naval architectural and marine engineering firm formed by CT Marine of Portland, Maine, and Buoyancy Consultants of India.

Joining the Hyperion Group will help the Massachusetts-based design company specialising in articulated tug barges (ATBs) cater to customer demand more effectively by utilising a larger team of engineers than what it could muster on its own, according to OT&BE President Robert P. Hill.

The company's small staff being made to handle a high volume of demand had often caused design work to slow down significantly, hence leading to delays in delivering output. Hill states that coming under the Hyperion umbrella will finally solve that problem.

Membership in Hyperion will also give OT&BE access to 3D design technology after having relied exclusively on 2D drawings in designing its vessels since the company's inception.