Non-Naval Security

Maritime Partner wins Oslo Port hybrid patrol boat order

Baird Maritime

Norwegian builder Maritime Partner has been awarded a contract for the construction of a new low-emission patrol boat for use at the Port of Oslo.

The boat will be used for port surveillance as well as escorting of larger vessels sailing in the harbour. It will have a hull made from recyclable aluminium and a hybrid propulsion system consisting of a battery pack for cruising at four to five knots and clean burning diesel engines for high-speed sailing.

The propulsion will be by twin water jets which will give the vessel a top speed in excess of 30 knots.

The boat will be capable of sailing for up to three hours on battery power while the diesel engines will use biodiesel to ensure emissions are in accordance with strict international environmental regulations.

The batteries may be charged using shore power though they will also be capable of recharging when the diesel engines are in operation.

Delivery of the new patrol boat is scheduled for 2021. It will replace Falk, a catamaran vessel that has been operating in the harbour since 2000.