Shahid Bagheri, a former containership and now UAV carrier to be operated by Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps Navy Iranian media
Naval Ships

UAV-capable warship for Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps Navy

Trevor Hollingsbee

Recent imagery confirms that a vessel with an angled flight deck is being prepared to join the order of battle of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps Navy (IRGCN).

Shahid Bagheri is a conversion of the former containership Perarin. Classified by the IRGCN as a “base support ship”, the vessel is perceived by analysts as likely to be used to launch uncrewed aerial vehicles (UAV) and missiles as well as operate a number of helicopters. The angled deck and a ski-jump take-off aid will facilitate the operation of large fixed-wing UAVs.

The vessel is the latest example of Iran’s policy of weathering international sanctions by means of converting large civilian ships for military use. It will probably be deployed on overseas “flag showing” missions in order to further raise the international profile of the IRGCN.

The IRGCN seems to be prevailing in its long-established competition with Tehran’s parallel naval force, the Islamic Republic of Iran Navy, for funding and influence. Recent years have seen the IRGCN, which for long relied upon large numbers of small coastal attack craft, commission a series of middle water- and deep sea-capable warships.

However, this new asset only has light fixed armament and is therefore vulnerable to attack from both the sea and the air. In times of conflict, it will probably operate mainly in littoral waters in order to ensure protection by Iranian land and sea-based forces.