Naval Auxiliary/Support

Royal Navy survey ship to assess damage caused by Beirut Port explosion

Baird Maritime

The Royal Navy Echo-class survey ship HMS Enterprise will sail to Lebanon as part of a wide-ranging package of military support made available by the UK Ministry of Defence (MOD) to assess the damage suffered by the Port of Beirut following a deadly explosion last Tuesday, August 4.

The deployment of Enterprise will complement an immediate package of military and civilian support and £5 million (US$6.57 million) worth of aid.

Defence Secretary Ben Wallace said he authorised the deployment of Enterprise to Beirut at the request of the Lebanese government. In addition to surveying the waters of the Port of Beirut, the vessel will aid in rebuilding it and ensuring its return to normal operations.

The explosion at the port last Tuesday had left over 100 people dead, thousands more injured, and widespread property damage throughout Beirut.

An unidentified vessel belonging to the Maritime Task Force of the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) had also suffered damage from the blast.