Naval Auxiliary/Support

Keel laid for Italian Navy’s future hydrographic research ship

Baird Maritime

Italian shipbuilder Fincantieri has laid the keel of a new hydrographic and oceanographic research vessel ordered by the Italian Navy.

Designated as a major hydro-oceanographic vessel (nave idro-oceanografica maggiore; NIOM) will perform mapping and scientific monitoring activities. It will also support the activities of the navy's own Hydrographic Institute as well as scientific organisations within Italy and the International Hydrographic Organisation.

Upon completion, the vessel will have a diesel-electric propulsion system and a special hull shape to reduce resistance in fulfillment of the navy's requirements for lower emissions. A flight deck will be available for use by an NH90 or similar multi-role helicopter.

The deck equipment will include offshore and port service cranes, a launch and recovery system (LARS) for small craft, and an A-frame.

The NIOM vessel will replace the navy's older hydrographic research ship Ammiraglio Magnaghi, which was built in the 1970s and is nearing the end of its operational service life.