Concept design of new Russian Arctic cruise ship (Photo: United Shipbuilding Corporation)

Russian design firm unveils Arctic cruise ship concept

Baird Maritime

Russia's Almaz Central Marine Design Bureau recently unveiled the first images of a new cruise ship optimised for operations in the Arctic. The vessel will be based on the Project 23550 series of icebreakers, which are under various stages of construction at Almaz parent company United Shipbuilding Corporation (USC).

USC said the vessel will be capable of accessing uninhabited islands and other areas lacking in port infrastructure. In addition to being used for standard cruises, the vessel may also sail on expedition cruises and research missions.

Onboard space will be available for a flight deck for use by a helicopter and unmanned aerial vehicles. Smaller Almaz-designed hovercraft and boats may also be transported and deployed into the water via the port and starboard sides.

Guest cabin areas will range from 22 to 59 square metres. The vessel design can accommodate up to 16 double cabins or fewer cabins with greater guest capacities.