
2,800-passenger LNG fast ferry Megastar delivered

Alex Baird

The LNG fast ferry Megastar was delivered to Tallink from Meyer Turku Shipyard on Tuesday. 

When Megastar starts operation on Sunday, travelling between Helsinki and Tallinn, she will be the most advanced fast ferry in the Baltic Sea. She also has an advanced hull shape resulting in substantial fuel savings during the ship's operation. 

There are seven different restaurants and cafés on board Megastar, including a buffet restaurant, a la carte restaurant, fast food restaurant and cafés, as well as pubs and bars. 

The Megastar will increase the standard for car passengers. Double level loading and wider car deck access will improve the loading and unloading time. Supermarket type of parking garage accessible during the voyage will add convenience to travellers who take advantages of the Megastar's shopping possibilities.

Megastar is 212 metres long and will carry 2,800 passengers. Her service speed is 27 knots. Megastar uses LNG as fuel, but is also able to run on marine diesel.