
Vattenfall assists Norfolk community to solve broadband issues

Ross McGravie

Offshore windfarm operator Vattenfall is working with an English community group Better Broadband for East Ruston (BB4ER) to improve broadband speeds in the area. 

Rural Norfolk has some of the slowest broadband speeds in the UK.

The community group approached Swedish energy group, which is developing the Norfolk Vanguard and Norfolk Boreas offshore wind farms, to run broadband services along the same route of onshore infrastructure needed to connect the wind farms to the national grid. 

When up and running in the mid-2020s, Norfolk Vanguard's and Norfolk Boreas's 3.6GW of combined generating capacity will produce enough fossil-free power every year to meet the equivalent annual electricity demand today of 2.6 million UK households, almost 10 per cent of UK household demand.