
Tanker hits lost Ensco rig, no oil spilt

Baird Maritime

The US Coast Guard has reported that the tanker, 'SKS Satilla' has struck a submerged object, which has now been identified as Dallas-based Ensco International's sunken 'Ensco 74'.

Pictured here is the 'Ensco 75'. The 'Ensco 74' was similar to this rig. 

The 'Ensco 74', a jackup rig, was lost during Hurricane Ike last September. According to the US Coast Guard, the tanker suffered damage to its ballast tanks and was listing slightly, but its cargo tanks were not ruptured.

'Ensco 74' is reportedly submerged in 35 metres of water approximately 105km south of Galveston, USA. 'Ensco 74', was lost and presumed sunk in the aftermath of Hurricane Ike in September 2008. At the time of the storm, the rig had been located in approximately 70 metres of water, 150km from shore in South Marsh Island Block 149.

The US Coast Guard said that no oil has been released into the water.