Offshore Wind

Van Oord completes turbine installation at Deutsche Bucht offshore wind farm

Baird Maritime

Van Oord's offshore installation vessel Aeolus has successfully completed the installation of 31 turbines on monopiles at the Deutsche Bucht wind farm being developed by Canada's Northland Power offshore Germany.

The vessel had also been deployed for the transport of the turbines following the completion of installation of 31 monopiles in January.

Van Oord's other assets that have been deployed on the project include the cable lay vessel Nexus and the trencher Dig-It, which had completed installation and burial of more than 40 kilometres of inter array cables in July.

Installation and cabling of the two mono bucket foundations and their turbines are planned for the fourth quarter this year.

Upon completion of the project, the 269MW wind farm will supply enough renewable energy to meet the needs of approximately 328,000 households per year.