Gulf of Maine National Park Service/Kristi Rugg
Offshore Wind

New offshore wind lease sale to be held in Gulf of Maine

Baird Maritime

The US Department of the Interior will hold an offshore wind energy lease sale on October 29, 2024, for eight areas on the Outer Continental Shelf off Massachusetts, New Hampshire, and Maine.

If fully developed, these areas have a potential capacity of approximately 13 GW of clean offshore wind energy, which could power more than 4.5 million homes.

The area included in the Final Sale Notice (FSN) is approximately 120,000 acres (49,000 hectares) less than what the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) included in its Proposed Sale Notice, which was announced earlier this year. BOEM prioritised the avoidance of offshore fishing grounds, sensitive habitats, and existing and future vessel transit routes, while still retaining sufficient acreage to support the region’s offshore wind energy goals.

The FSN for the Gulf of Maine auction includes details regarding the auction, provisions, and conditions of the leases, the lease form, information on bidding credits, criteria for evaluating competing bids, award procedures, appeal procedures, and lease execution.

The FSN was published in the Federal Register on Tuesday, September 17. Details on the FSN, along with a map of the lease areas can be found on the BOEM’s website.