
Offshore tech developers share in €1.1 million MaRINET2 project grant

Baird Maritime

The MaRINET2 project has awarded a total of €1.1 million (US$1.3 million) to 32 offshore renewable technology developers to test at its research facilities.

The project will accelerate the development of offshore renewable energy technologies by providing free-of-charge access to a network of 57 research facilities across Europe.

The support provides 583 days of testing and research at facilities around Europe.

Access will be granted through a series of competitive calls for applicants.

MaRINET2 is a €10.5 million project funded by the European Commission's Horizon 2020 program, and co-ordinated by the MaREI (Marine and Renewable Energy Ireland) Centre in University College Cork.

Access will be granted through a series of competitive calls for applicants.

MaRINET2's third call for applications will open on November 1.