
Louis Dreyfus Armateurs Group orders wind farm SOV

Baird Maritime

Louis Dreyfus Armateurs Group (LDA) has placed an order with Turkey's Cemre Shipyard for a new wind farm service operation vessel (SOV).

Designed by Salt Ship Design, the vessel will operate on four wind farms off the German coast after LDA signed a partnership with Dong Energy Wind Power.

Powered by diesel-electric propulsion, the 83-metre by 19.4-metre DP2 vessel will accommodate up to 90 people, including more than 60 wind farm technicians.

It will feature individual cabins, gym and a cinema.

It also has a daughter craft for crew transfer to the wind turbines with a capacity of eight technicians and one tonne of cargo. It features a motion-compensated gangway (19-metre range) and a motion-compensated crane (one tonne at 23 metres).