Subsea Surveying

Successful AUSV trials in Wales

Baird Maritime
Bibby HydroMap's AUSV, DriX, being tested off the coast of Wales.

Bibby HydroMap, a UK-based seabed and sub-seabed survey company, has announced it has successfully completed testing of an eight-metre autonomous unmanned survey vessel (AUSV), DriX.

According to Bibby, the system has the ability to accommodate a hydrographic and geophysical survey payload and to aid positioning of underwater vehicles, facilitating data collection on a variety of marine projects.

The trials were held over a five-day period and tested the performance and survey capabilities of the AUSV. Testing took place in and around Gwynt Y Môr, a 576-megawatt offshore wind farm operated by Innogy Renewables UK in an area off the north Wales coast. It is the fourth-largest operating offshore windfarm in the world.

DriX is able to operate at speeds of up to 14 knots and has a reduced profile both above and below the waterline which, according to Bibby, means the AUSV is able to be used in conditions considered unsafe for other vessels.