Subsea Surveying

PGS completes 3D survey offshore Papua New Guinea

Baird Maritime

PGS has confirmed the completion of the acquisition phase of a new multi-client 3D survey gathering over 6,100 square kilometres of seismic data in Papua New Guinea.

The Painimaut programme targeted a number of play types in the under-explored Papuan Basin in both held and vacant acreage. The survey targeted the Tertiary carbonate buildups and Mesozoic rift basins adjacent to the Papuan and Eastern Plateaus, as well as pinch-out plays and drapes over deeper structural highs.

The seismic vessel Ramform Hyperion towed a 12- by eight-kilometre streamer configuration, with a triple-source, to acquire high-resolution broadband data.

PGS imaging teams are now processing the results to enable availability of high-resolution data, as well as gravity and magnetic data, by the first quarter of 2021.