An offshore platform (representative photo only) Woodside Energy
Offshore Exploration

Australian government to finalise new offshore exploration rounds

Baird Maritime

The Australian government will finalise new offshore exploration permits for gas supply to firm renewables and support the economy as Australia makes the transition to net zero emissions. Minister for Resources and Northern Australia Madeleine King will finalise permits for Esso and Beach Energy in the Otway and Sorrell Basins, with any discovered gas to support the domestic east coast market.

Exploration permits will also be finalised for Chevron, INPEX, Melbana and Woodside Energy on Australia’s west coast, supporting energy security in Western Australia. In addition, 10 permits will be finalised for carbon capture and storage exploration.

The International Energy Agency, the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO), the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, and Australia’s Climate Change Authority all identify that carbon capture, utilisation and storage will be needed to support the net zero transition.

As Australia’s economy transitions to clean energy, gas is required to firm renewables. Since the government has come to office, there has been a 25 per cent increase in renewable energy generation in the National Electricity Market, and this has driven both its total emissions and emissions intensity to record lows.

Anticipating projected shortfalls

The most recent ACCC Gas Inquiry Interim Report suggests that the domestic east coast market may experience gas supply shortfalls as early as 2027. Also, supply challenges could persist into the mid-2030s unless new sources of gas supply are developed.

“As ageing coal generation comes offline in coming years, gas will continue to be needed to firm renewable energy generation and as a backup during peak energy use periods,” Minister King said. “Gas is critical for the transition. But it will be a diminishing proportion of our energy mix to 2050 as other storage technologies come online.”

The first principle of the government’s Future Gas Strategy is Australia needs to reach net zero emissions by 2050. Gas demand will decline sharply during the transition to clean energy, but steps to secure supply will still be necessary to ensure domestic demand can be met.

The Future Gas Strategy makes it clear the government will focus on optimising existing discoveries and infrastructure, and aligning with net zero targets. The finalisation of offshore exploration permits does not automatically allow new offshore gas production to occur.

Additional required actions

Separate and extensive safety and environmental approvals are required through Australia’s independent National Offshore Petroleum Safety and Environmental Management Authority. More community consultation will also be required before any offshore exploration work can commence.

There will be no new seismic surveying permitted to occur as part of the approved work program for each permit. Companies will instead be required to licence or reprocess existing seismic data.