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Generic Viagra against Psychogenic Erectile Dysfunction

Baird Maritime

People generally believe that the most common reason for the development of such a violation of potency as erectile dysfunction is various physiological reasons, such as circulatory disorders due to diabetes mellitus, insufficient production of the male sex hormone testosterone, and various others. However, by and large, this point of view is a delusion. In more than a third of cases, the development of erectile dysfunction occurs without a man having any physiological reasons. Erectile dysfunction (ED) is very often of a combined etiology, that is, it is caused by a combination of physiological and psychological factors. The connection between them is very close. As a rule, if a man begins to experience any difficulties in intimate relationships with the opposite sex, this causes him increased anxiety, which, in turn, leads to problems with achieving an erection.
However, let us turn specifically to those cases when erectile dysfunction is caused solely by psychological reasons. Such cases are quite common, and not only among young men who are just getting to know their sex life and lack self-assurance. It happens that a woman who attracted him appeared in a man's life, but she was left disappointed with sex with him. It is not at all necessary that such a man really has a weak erection or too short intercourse, just such an opinion of a particular woman is enough. After all, there are as many opinions as women, and the concept of the norm is different for everyone. If a man is not very confident in himself, and especially if he has feelings for the woman who upset him, he may develop psychological complexes. Very often, they lead to the development of psychogenic erectile dysfunction.

All these parameters are fully satisfied by such option as Viagra generics. Their active ingredient, Sildenafil, has been proven to be effective in over two decades of successful use against ED. Subject to the instructions for use, the medicine is safe for health, not addictive. And you can buy cheap generic Viagra in online pharmacies, where a variety of generic options for every taste and wallet is presented.

Statistics show that men are several times less likely to seek professional psychological help than women, especially in matters of sexual life. Therefore, most men faced with psychogenic ED are more likely to turn their eyes to the pharmacy shelves than to the door of a psychologist or psychotherapist's office.

What medicine is optimal if you are faced with erectile dysfunctions and are sure of its psychological causes? The main parameter is, of course, efficiency. Placebos sometimes work, but only if you personally don't know that this is a placebo, and not a real medicine. Various vitamin and mineral complexes are good for your health, but they will not help you if, when you see your partner in bed, you start to fear that you will have a weak erection. Second, the safety of the medicine is important. Too radical means are not needed if the quality of sex life suffers because of psychosomatic problems. Finally, cost is also important. For a more or less stable effect, it is necessary to take the medicine regularly, so it shouldn't be too expensive.