
Jan De Nul dredger sails 2,000 hours on 100 per cent sustainable marine biofuel

Baird Maritime

Jan De Nul Group has confirmed that its trailing suction hopper dredger (TSHD) Alexander von Humboldt has completed 2,000 hours operation on 100 per cent renewable, second-generation biofuel oil (BFO).

Jan De Nul claims this is the longest continuous use of 100 per cent sustainable marine biofuel in the maritime industry.

The dredger was refuelled at various stages with BFO, which was said to reduce the vessel's CO2 emissions by as much as 85 per cent. The BFO was developed by GoodFuels as a second-generation, fossil-fuel-equivalent biofuel that is completely derived from sustainable waste feedstock.

The fuel was consumed as the vessel was conducting maintenance dredging works in seaports in Belgium and the UK.