Conferences & Exhibitions

Danish Maritime Fair 2020 is opening in three months

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There are only three months until BellaCenter opens its doors for the fifth edition of the international exhibition Danish Maritime Fair, which takes place on May 13-14.

Besides easy access and free entrance, the fair offers other improvements and innovations for the visitor. Amongst others, you can follow professional tracks, where exhibitors will be explaining new, innovative products.

The presentations will be pooled into tracks consisting of up to four companies from related industries. Each company has 10 minutes at its disposal. Following the individual batch of presentations, there will be a guided tour to the presenting companies' individual stands, where you will be able to have a more in-depth dialogue. The professional tracks will be conducted, on an ongoing basis, throughout the exhibition.

Ship of the Year 2020

As tradition has it, the Danish Ship of the Year 2020 award will be presented at the Danish Maritime Fair. The award is founded by Maritime Danmark, and the recipient is selected by an independent expert committee, amongst the ships nominated by the readers of Maritime Danmark. The only requirement is that the ships, which are nominated, must be a Danish build, or designed or operated by a Danish shipping company.

Alongside the fair, you will find a number of maritime conferences and workshops. The MDC/Maritime Development Center is responsible for running a full-day conference on the first day of the fair, whilst Maritime Danmark is arranging three conferences over both days.

IMO Sulphur regulations

IMO's new global sulphur regulations took effect on January 1. There is already a great deal of uncertainty on, how the market price will evolve if the low sulphur fuel will be available in sufficient volumes, and the places of demand.

Another question will be, to what extent will the new regulations on sulphur be adhered to, and how strict will the authorities enforce the regulations.

The conference takes place four months after the new regulations have taken effect. Thus, it will be the first opportunity to create an overview over, how the regulations work in real life. To create this overview, Danish Maritime Fair will introduce speakers from bunkering companies, shipping companies, authorities, and insurance institutions.

Invest in Shipping

This conference will give you an insight into the market opportunities that the shipping industry offers from an investor's point of view. Danish Maritime Fair will introduce expert speakers from market analysts, big private and institutional investors and companies listed on the stock exchange.

The conference is directed at both the ordinary private investor, the pension funds and other institutional investors, that would like to investigate the opportunities within the shipping industry.

The energy transition

What kind of fuel would be your best bet? Electricity, hydrogen, natural gas, ammonia, or nuclear power? The possibilities are many, and many more can be added. And the choice may differ from coastal waters to oceans.

The conference will give the participants an insight into where we are in the process right now – what kind of fuel can already be found at the marketplace, and what can be expected around the corner. What are the possibilities and the limitations of the individual forms of energy, and how best to tap into them?