Port Equipment

PEMA and TT Club to promote port equipment safety

Baird Maritime

The Port Equipment Manufacturers Association (PEMA) and TT Club have will co-operate to promote best practice in the safe design and operation of port equipment worldwide.   

The agreement was finalised at PEMA's recent AGM in Amsterdam, where Laurence Jones, Director of Global Risk Assessment for the TT Club, presented the results of his recent research into causes of equipment accidents and loss in the global port and terminal sector.

As an insurer to the global marine terminal market, TT Club has insight into the key factors contributing to accidents involving port equipment, including ship to shore cranes, straddle carriers, yard cranes and smaller mobile equipment.

For further information contact:

Port Equipment Manufacturers Association (PEMA), UK
PH: +44 20 8279 9403
FX: +44 20 8279 9405