
GEAR | Lamor, Metocean to collaborate on trajectory tracking of marine pollution

Baird Maritime Gear Editor

Lamor has entered into a collaboration agreement with MetOcean Telematics, a Canadian company providing full-spectrum telemetry products, options, and solutions for environment, marine, defence, and security clients.

The aim of the collaboration is to further improve Lamor's capabilities to provide a wider range of environmental preparedness solutions for its customers.

Through collaboration, will Lamor utilise MetOcean's proprietary drifting sensors to enhance tactical response abilities by using trajectory data in real-time sea conditions.

The drifter sensors collect and transmit MetOcean data such as location and sea temperature. With this information, an incident command team can determine more accurate spill response tactics and thus minimise environmental impact.

The re-usable drifter sensors are typically deployed in clusters from vessels or helicopters.

Lamor is already currently utilising spill trajectory software in its oil spill response services and drifter sensor data can be used to enhance the accuracy of spill trajectory simulations and to improve the understanding of specific areas of critical consequence interest, such as archipelago, narrow straits, or locations with specific sea conditions.