Fishing Boat World Features

Welcome to Spain Week!

Baird Maritime

According to the data provided by Sea Europe for the first half of 2020, in terms of orderbook, the important role that Spanish shipyards play in the European market is clearly reflected. And likewise, in terms of the number of vessels completed, the Spanish shipbuilding sector is one of those leading the market, rivaled by only one other distinguished member.

Such importance is due, in addition to the already well-known and historical tradition of navigation and construction, to the updates and adaptations of the Spanish naval sector to the different scenarios that have arisen in recent decades. While this leading position is the result of multiple factors, there are some elements that clearly stand out and position the sector among the most prominent builders and repairers on the international market. Undoubtedly, these include the specialisation and knowledge of the trade, together with the high qualification of the professionals involved and the consistency of a complete value chain, which covers each one of the sub-activities that are represented in the production, repair, and retrofitting of whatever vessel available.

Although the first thing that comes to our minds when we talk about vessels are the shipyards, nowadays the sector is also well known for the ancillary industries. Whether in areas such as financing, engineering, electricity, electronics, propulsion, structure, supply, qualification, classification societies, technology centres, brokers, etc., everything that is needed is represented in each of the country's construction regions at the forefront levels similar to what can be found anywhere else on the planet.

Oscar Gomez, Managing Director of Asociacion Cluster del Naval Gallego (ACLUNAGA)

Recent Vessel Reviews:

Features and Opinion:

– "While the Spanish shipbuilding sector's leading position in Europe is the result of multiple factors, there are some elements that clearly stand out and position the sector among the most prominent builders and repairers on the international scene."

– by Oscar Gomez, Managing Director of ACLUNAGA, an association of shipbuilders based in Spain's Galicia region

"Si bien Europa es un referente en la construcción naval, en las últimas décadas la situación del sector ha variado notablemente con la irrupción de los países del sureste asiático, y de Europa del Este, que se han consolidado como los grandes constructores de buques de tipo estándar y fabricantes de numerosos componentes para el sector."

– by Oscar Gomez, Managing Director of ACLUNAGA, an association of shipbuilders based in Spain's Galicia region

News and Gear:

Recent Important Features:

– "The Spanish-built ships are part of the new generation of DP wind farm maintenance vessels with 23 metres length heave-compensated 'walk-to-work' gangways, what the builders described as 'cutting edge 3D compensated' cranes, and crewboat landing systems with bunkering facilities."

– by Hieronymus Bosch, anonymous commentator and Baird Maritime's insider in the world of offshore oil and gas operations

Call for content!

Any news or views about the Spanish maritime industry? Send it through to ASAP (between now and July 16), so we can add it to this current edition of Spain Week!

We are after:

  • Vessels – Orders, new deliveries, under construction
  • Gear – Latest innovations and technology in the Spanish vessel sector
  • Interviews – Owners, operators, government agencies, vessel associations, etc.
  • Reminiscences – Do you have any exciting, amusing or downright dangerous anecdotes from your time in the Spanish maritime industry? (example here)
  • Other – Any other relevant news