Fishing Boat World Features

AWARDS 2022 | Best Factory Ship – Georgiy Meshcheryakov – Skipsteknisk

Baird Maritime

The Sea of Okhotsk is rich with marine life but it is cold, bleak, and stormy with few safe harbours. Thus, a large, powerful and seaworthy vessel is essential to exploit those rich resources. This Skipsteknisk-designed factory ship is the perfect solution to that challenge.

"The vessel is a large pelagic processor designed for trawling in the remote, harsh, and icy waters of the Far East of Russia," Skipsteknisk told Baird Maritime. "It is closely tailored to operate within the logistics constraints of the area, including the owner's logistics systems and traditions. For this purpose, high endurance, as well as efficient systems for offload and replenishment at sea, have been provided."

The designer added that the processing and freezing plant is a versatile high-capacity complex, capable of producing and freezing different products on basis of several species such as pollock, herring, mackerel, and squid to name a few. The vessel is also arranged for temporary mobilisation of a large salmon processing plant on deck. During the summer, the vessel can therefore work as a stationary salmon processor, receiving catch from alongside barges.

"All residual raw material is processed into fish meal and fish oil. The vessel can also accommodate up to 150 POB, and is designed and built to Russian flag and class."

Skipsteknisk remarked that the practical and cultural differences between the North Atlantic and the Far East fisheries took some effort to merge in an optimal way.  Also, the design and build process took place during the Covid pandemic, which restricted opportunities for all parties to interact physically and optimally.

"Many useful lessons were learned during the design process, especially about the local conditions and traditions," the designer added. "Ultimately, it seems that the owner was pleased with the end result, with the captain of another vessel in the owner's fleet likening the newbuild to a popular luxury car brand."

When asked about trends impacting naval architecture, Skipsteknisk replied that alternative fuels are becoming more popular due to growing demand for sustainable vessel operations.

"Any design now goes through an evaluation of what alternatives exist as well as possible alternatives for a specific design," the company told Baird Maritime. "This again depends on several issues, such as availability of fuels and a vessel's operational profile.

Skipsteknisk also believes the fishing industry will see an increased emphasis on ESG sustainability reporting, especially with regards to reporting fleetwide carbon footprint reduction measures with reference to UN-mandated climate goals for 2030 and beyond.

"Increasing demand for seafood traceability and product quality documentation will also become important trends in the fishing industry," the company added.