
Severnaya Verf lays keel of second Project 170701 freezer trawler

Baird Maritime

United Shipbuilding Corporation's (USC) Severnaya Verf (Northern Shipyard) has laid the keel of Kapitan Geller, the second freezer trawler under Project 170701.

As with sister vessel Kapitan Sokolov, whose keel was laid in November 2018, the second Project 170701 trawler will be operated by Norebo Group subsidiary Rybprominvest.

Kapitan Geller will have a length of 81.6 metres, a width of 16 metres, a speed of 15 knots, and a crew of 70.

The vessel's processing and freezing capacities per day will be rated at 136 tonnes and 90 tonnes, respectively.