
Deutsche Fischfang Union rolls out latest trawler

Baird Maritime

The newbuild trawler Cuxhaven, which was handed over from Myklebust Shipyard to the Deutsche Fischfang Union (DFFU), is the first vessel for the company to operate in the Barents Sea.

Cuxhaven is the first in a series of four trawlers from Myklebust Verft to a new design from Rolls-Royce. Her hull is ICE 1A* class, and she is equipped with Rolls-Royce main engines, thrusters, automation and winches.

The series represents the first fishing vessels to come with the designer's new wave piercing design. 

The vessel includes an onboard factory for the production of fish fillets, and has a storage capacity of 1,400m3. There is also a large 550m3 packaging and freezer room on deck.