Best Prawn Trawler – Zenith (Photo: Macduff Ship Design) 

AWARDS 2023 | Best Prawn Trawler – Zenith – Macduff Ship Design

Baird Maritime

Macduff Ship Design fishing boats have charms and attractions all of their own. They are rugged, safe and very economical and long-lasting (as they have to be in Scotland). Built to highly refined designs, they operate in often-terrible weather.

In this case, Zenith was designed to fish for prawns out of the delightful port of Fraserburgh on the grey, gloomy North Sea. She is sure to do very well commercially.

"It has seen significant work completed in the development of improved hull forms for reduced resistance, ships motions, and improved water flow to the propeller," Ian Ellis, Managing Director of Macduff Ship Design, told Baird Maritime. "This was accomplished by a programme of tank testing and CFD flow analysis completed by the Wolfson Unit at Southampton University and in conjunction with the vessel builder.

"All areas were incorporated into a design that has proven itself in all aspects with increased speed and bollard pull as well as reduced motions while ensuring reductions in fuel consumption and improvements in crew comfort and safety."

Ellis said the design and the layout of the vessel remain largely unchanged from previous models. However, the main challenge was in the development work completed on the new hull form.

For Ellis, the biggest trend influencing naval architecture at the moment is the drive for new technology and green solutions, which is manifested not only as propulsion systems and fuels but also as new hull forms.

"We are also seeing a drive to improve crew comfort through better seakeeping of vessels as well as crew accommodations of larger dimensions and higher quality. Not only does this help ensure the crew's satisfaction, it also leads to less fatigue and an improvement in their ability to perform tasks, leading to a safer working environment."