
Norwegian partnership unveils new salmon pen designed to protect against lice

Baird Maritime

Norwegian companies Northern Lights Salmon, Sørrollnesfisk, and the AKVA Group have unveiled a new fish pen concept designed to protect against salmon lice.

The pen consists of a spaghetti net with a custom-made lice skirt. The skirt can be lowered to 15 metres to block the lice out, while pumps bring up fresh, oxygen-rich seawater from lower depths.

A Framo pump retrieves fresh seawater at the right temperature from deep below the lice belt. The pump will be capable of replacing all the water inside the skirt in the pens within 98 minutes.

When fresh water is constantly pumped in, this gives the salmon better health and reduces their mortality.

The pen is designed to be used with existing fish farm infrastructure, allowing the concept to be employed in many locations.