
Fish habitat restoration completed at New South Wales’ Tarcutta Creek

Baird Maritime

Volunteers from New South Wales non-profits OzFish Wagga Wagga and Murrumbidgee Landcare have completed a project aimed at restoring damaged fish habitat areas in Tarcutta Creek.

The creek has suffered severe erosion through the multiple flood events occurring between 2010 and 2016. The eroding banks meant overhanging vegetation was swept away along with snags.

Micro habitats were smothered with sediment, reducing fish habitat to an all-time low.

The restoration entailed the installation of 20 large woody logs and 150 tonnes of rock at strategic positions in the creek. Further, 1,000 native plants were established, willow trees were removed, and a stock exclusion fence has been installed to protect the work.

OzFish Wagga Wagga president Hugh Kanaley said that the activities will assist with further reducing erosion and supporting native fish populations targeted by local recreational fishers and protected aquatic species.

The project was funded by grants awarded by the NSW Department of Primary Industries and other local partners.