Commercial Mariner - Marine Projects

USACE to dredge California’s Hueneme port

Baird Maritime

The US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Los Angeles District has unveiled plans to dredge the Port of Hueneme main channel starting in early January with a projected completion date of March 27.

Curtin Maritime Corporation, the corps' contractor for the project, will be deepening the port's federal navigation channels by dredging approximately 290,000 total cubic metres of material.

Deepening the harbour will enable it to accommodate Panama-sized vessels, which are currently unable to load to their maximum capacity.

The cost of the project is US$10.4 million.

About 275,000 cubic metres of dredged material will be used to replenish the beach to mitigate beach erosion, which is the most sand placed on and near the beach since 2009. Another 13,000 cubic metres of unsuitable material will be placed in an existing confined aquatic disposal site in the harbour.