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Welcome to Naval Architecture Week!

Neil Baird

As something of a frustrated naval architect myself, I have long respected and admired the achievements and talents of our naval architects through history, particularly the more innovative and imaginative of the breed.  I am fortunate to have known many globally successful naval architects, including my own eldest son, so I have come to learn much of their rather arcane profession.

It is often said that naval architecture is part science and part art. I believe that the former part, particularly with all the maths involved, is the more important although art is still vital in producing attractive ships and boats. That is what sells vessels, after all, and ensures the ongoing success of any naval architectural practice.

It is also often said that, "what looks well, goes well". I believe that to be very true. First impressions count with both people and ships and boats.

Design • Testing • Analysis • Software • Engineering

We at Baird Maritime are fortunate to maintain close contact with many, if not most, of the world's leading independent firms of naval architects. Many of them have been advertising customers of ours, some for forty years. We know them, their designs, and their businesses very well.

We have also got to know many "in house" naval architects employed by major shipbuilders, ship owners, navies and other government bodies and by classification societies. Two, we know, are even managing industry associations and one is a magazine editor! Each has his or her own role to play but, importantly, without them, our ships and boats would be notably less efficient, safe, economical, environmentally friendly and attractive. They very much earn their keep and remain a vital sector of the overall maritime industry.

Some readers, perhaps, may think that Baird Maritime somewhat overindulges the naval architecture profession. I very strongly think otherwise. I hope that some of the examples of their work that we will present here over the coming week will convince the doubters of the importance of our naval architects in the overall scheme of maritime things.

Vessel Reviews:

News, Gear, and Book Reviews:

Recent Important Features:

– "As regards shipping and shipbuilding, Australia has produced so many 'firsts'."

– by Kent Stewart, founder of maritime consultancy Maritime Engineers and Baird Maritime's resident expert on commercial shipping and the offshore industries

– "The conversion also entailed the construction of a new freezer hold of significant capacity."

– "Shipbuilder Metallica Marine Consultancy, Aklan State University, and local regulatory body Maritime Industry Authority are working on a hybrid trimaran vessel that they expect will later see full operational use as a Ro-Pax ferry on routes in the Western Visayas and other nearby regions."

– "Modifications include addition of a port rescue station with net recovery system, deck de-icing systems at the port and starboard pilot boarding stations, a hot water/steam system for power washing to de-ice the pilot boats when alongside in winter, and a new knuckle boom crane to service the port and starboard rigid inflatable boats."

Remember to come back every day to see the latest news, opinion and vessel reviews!

Call for content!

Any news or views about the global maritime tourism, ferry and cruise industries? Send it through to ASAP (between now and June 25), so we can add it to this current edition of Naval Architecture Week!

We are after:

  • Vessels – Orders, new deliveries, under construction
  • Gear – Latest innovations and technology in the naval architecture sector
  • Interviews – Owners, operators, designers, builders etc.
  • Reminiscences – Do you have any exciting, amusing or downright dangerous anecdotes from your time in the naval architecture world? (example here)
  • Other – Any other relevant news