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BOOK REVIEW | The Clarksons Registers 2022

Neil Baird

Having carefully reviewed these amazing annual publications for probably thirty years, I never cease to be amazed at the amount of detailed research that has gone into their compilation. Jointly and severally, they are founts of shipping knowledge. So they should be, of course, with Clarksons being the world's largest and leading firm of ship brokers.

Further, although I thought that they were brilliant when I first came across them, they are even more so now. They are refined every year and, of course, for several years have been available in constantly updated digital format. They are comprehensive, accurate, easy to use and incredibly informative.

Anyone working seriously in the maritime industry who doesn't subscribe to these brilliant directories puts him or her self at serious disadvantage. If you need to know who owns what ship, where and how to contact them, the Clarkson Registers are your invaluable and easy-to-use source of such information. They also provide an excellent overview of the state of each of the market sectors that they cover.

They are truly indispensable to anyone in the industry whether they be ship owners, ship builders, ship managers, ship brokers, maritime lawyers, insurers, bankers, regulators, journalists or researchers. In a word, "brilliant"!

The Tanker Register 2022

The Bulk Carrier Register 2022

The Containership Register 2022

The Gas Carrier Register 2022

Available from Clarkson Research Services, London, UK.