Ausmarine - Passenger Vessels

Australian domestic commercial vessel incidents in October


In October, a number of incidents involving domestic commercial vessels were reported to AMSA. Of the incidents reported, nine were serious.

  • A fishing vessel capsized with seven crew on board. One person was rescued, two people were confirmed deceased and the remaining four people are missing, presumed deceased.
  • An explosion erupted on a hire-and-drive vessel after attempts to start the inboard engine ignited fuel vapour. Two people on board suffered burns and were taken to hospital for treatment.
  • A crew member on a work boat suffered a hand-crush injury when a crane load shifted. First aid was provided before the person was taken to hospital.
  • A work boat with one person on board capsized. Water Police located and rescued the person.
  • A fire broke out in the wheelhouse of a fishing vessel. All four crew evacuated into the life raft and were later rescued, suffering from minor injuries and smoke inhalation.
  • A passenger vessel collided with two swimmers, who suffered minor lacerations.
  • A small fire broke out on board a passenger vessel. Water police rescued the four people on board. One person was taken to hospital for smoke inhalation.
  • A person fell between the wharf and a passenger vessel while disembarking. The person was recovered with no injuries.
  • A work boat capsized after a mooring line became hung up on shallows. Attempts to unhook the mooring line caused the vessel to pitch, take on water and capsize. The vessel was towed back to a nearby jetty and turned upright again.