Ausmarine - Marine Projects

Works commence on new safe haven for tugs at Port Hedland


Work has started on the first stage of the $51 million Nelson Point Tug Haven project at the Port of Port Hedland.

Perth-based Austral Construction, which was awarded the $29 million contract in 2021, has commenced the works to stabilise the revetments affected by ageing and storm events, restoring a fit-for-purpose facility for the current tug fleet and providing robust infrastructure to the port.

A range of works will be undertaken over the coming months, following a comprehensive design process that included driving steel piles around the internal boundary of the tug haven to prevent water erosion beneath the revetment walls. The new steel pile wall will then be partially backfilled to strengthen the structure.

The first stage of works is scheduled to be completed in late 2022, with the tender for the second stage to also be released later this year.

The second stage will include the replacement of the outer wall of the tug haven with a stronger design and greater storm protection than the current wall.

Nelson Point Tug Haven was initially constructed in 1985 to provide a secure harbour for the tugs that service the Port of Port Hedland. Vessel movements at the Port of Port Hedland have increased considerably since it was built, and these upgrades will ensure it is fit-for-purpose and able to support ongoing port operations.