Ausmarine - Marine Projects

Damen dredger, workboat delivered to Maritime Constructions

Baird Maritime

Damen Shipyards Group has delivered a 1,293kW cutter suction dredger (CSD) and a 15-metre multi-purpose workboat to Maritime Constructions of Port Adelaide, Australia.

The two vessels are presently deployed on a port extension project in Onslow, Western Australia, under a capital dredging works contract awarded to Maritime Constructions.

Both vessels were available in stock and shipped from Damen Shipyards Chiangde, China, to Dampier. These were then transported by road to Onslow for assembly and immediate deployment.

The CSD has been named Pilbara Sawfish after a local endangered species. It has since dredged 700,000 cubic metres of an abrasive mix of coarse sand, shell, cobbles, and gravel under the Onslow Marine Support Base Channel Dredging project.