Ausmarine - Fishing and Aquaculture

Australia releases first “National Fisheries Plan”


Australia's first national fisheries plan has been released in a joint announcement from Minister for Agriculture and Northern Australia David Littleproud and Assistant Minister for Forestry and Fisheries Jonno Duniam.

"Australian governments recognise the social and economic benefits provided by the fishing and seafood sectors and are committed to helping them to grow and prosper," Minister Littleproud said.

"The National Fisheries Plan sets out initiatives and targets to 2030 to support and empower the commercial fishing and seafood industry, Indigenous Australians and recreational fishers, and streamline governance to reduce red tape and boost innovation.

"We want Australia's fishing, aquaculture and seafood community to be celebrated domestically and internationally for its high-quality and sustainable products."

Assistant Minister Duniam said the plan would allow the fisheries sector to grow sustainably, while taking into account the diversity of its participants.

"The plan will support the sector with opportunities to grow, innovate and adapt to new challenges," Assistant Minister Duniam said.

"It aims to align the strategic planning, prioritisation and investment of governments, with the Australian Fisheries Management Forum working with national industry representatives, to create an implementation framework to guide the plan through existing structures and resources.

"It is great to have the support of all states and territories on this significant national plan, and I look forward to working closely with all states and territories to deliver the sustainable growth and development of fishing sectors.

The nine government-identified focus areas include resource sharing and the security of access, the health and wellbeing of industry participants, workforce retention and training, and developing the social licence and community support for the industry.

"As we look towards the 2030 ag-target, having the first plan devoted entirely to the growth and development of Australia's commercial seafood productions is a step in the right direction," commented Seafood Industry Australia CEO Veronica Papacosta. "Importantly, we look forward to finding out more about the framework and governance that will underpin the plan, ensure it is brought to life and that material outcomes are achieved.